any parting words of wisdom? like nothing matters. time will go on regardless of what you do or don't do just kind of ride the wave and like, things will be okay in the end.

things have a way of working out and like we're literally living in the end of the world.
do do what you need to do with the, then under that beautiful.
rw: Like in the least nihilistic way possible. Everything is fake.

Like literally nothing matters. And so it's kind of like, I don't know, that idea is very freeing to me because It really is a lot of pressure and expectation from doing things in a particular way, or like doing things for people.

I've been very much like shifting my relationship with art in the public to be sharing what I create rather than creating to share.

Like, um, and I think that that's been really important just to give myself the space to vibe and exist. Do what I like. Um, and that always feels so much more genuine.
lr: Oh my God. That is perfect. Thank you so much. That was the interview. Easy-peasy I'm going to stop the recording.